If Wishes Were Horses, Beggars Would Ride

Personal and public, private and profound, humorous and sad, sober and enlightening.
— Lincoln Journal Star

 • See Video Excerpt

If Wishes Were Horses, Beggars Would Ride is a multi-disciplinary community-based dance theater work in which people remember, explore, and question pivotal moments of change in their lives.

New video portraits can be created specifically with/for your community as part of a residency project (see Video Works).


Tour Highlights - I. M. Pei’s Portland Museum of Art in Portland, Maine • Wagon Train Project, Lincoln, NE • Padatik Dance Center, Calcutta, India

Commissioned by the Bates Dance Festival, the Portland Museum of Art, the OnSite Performance Network (a program of Dancing in the Streets, with funding from the Charles E. Culpeper Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation). Additional support provided by the NEA, the Maine Humanities Council and the Maine Arts Commission, the Davis Family Foundation, LEF Foundation, Tom's of Maine, Libra Foundation, Philip Morris, Inc., Swiss Center Foundation, Beatrice Gilmore Fund for Museum Education, and Key Bank.